Sunday, October 12, 2008

Agatha-The Gonzaga Guru. :)

Here are some thoughts from our previous secretary. Take some time to read over and ponder your existence. ;)

Okay so I joined Interact at the end of my freshman year and started off sophomore year as an interact member. I did interact for 3 years of high school and it was an integral part of all 3 of those years. Interact gave me plenty of opportunities to hang out with my friends and definitely some wonderful opportunities to get to know new people altogether. With every project that you do you get to know someone a little bit better and the most amazing part about it is that you get to experience this camaraderie while helping people in need all over the world. Throughout my 3 years of Interact I participated in many projects. Some of these projects were: participating in the put-put golf tournament with Interfaith, traveling to Juarez, Mexico, raising and sending money to the heifer project, the annual D'Evelyn road clean up, fundraising through summer concerts and Broncos games, and many many others that I can't remember. With each project, we, as a club, through donating our time and energy, gave something back to our community. This in itself was a wonderful and fulfilling experience but combined with great friendships and lots of fun, giving back to our community with Interact was always a blast! I encourage all of you to become active members of Interact because it teaches you the importance of helping others as well as gives you an opportunity to have a great time! Of my closest group of friends in high school, all of them were active members of Interact. Although I know I would have been friends with these people anyways, our friendships got tighter over the 3 years of hanging out and working together because of and for Interact. I hope Interact has a wonderful and successful year with lots of new, active, and ready to help members! Good Luck!! :)
-Agatha Oleksiak

Thanks Agata. We miss you/ I miss you. :)

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Latest Dilemmas

According to the very trusted
–verb; to act one upon another.

(Yes, this is a different definition that Danny, Megan, Kit, and myself learned today, but still stay with me!)

Interact is ironically a verb, and an ACTION verb at that.
I guess my point is that there should be no sitting around and "meeting members," but rather highly involved members that brainstorm, lead groups, volunteer, fund raise, etc...

Interact can honestly be something that takes credit for getting me through high school. Through this, I have formed my closest friendships, made my most lasting memories, and learned to accept leadership roles. :)

That sounds totally corny.... but honestly, this club means a lot to me. I hate to see people take this opportunity for granted.

Remember to email me with any ideas or voice any opinions or concerns!
or now:

and we are on facebook now! find me (Jessica Richie) on facebook... and then the D'Evelyn Interact 2008-2009 group.